Why Good Girls Like Bad Boys

Some women, many of whom consider themselves independent, will say that this is an unrealistic fairytale. These are the same women who will pick up a romance novel with this exact plot in it and be enamored, biting their lip with every turn of the page by the picture painted before them. Those of us who are honest will readily admit that while it may seem illogical and our rational side warns us against them, bad boys are highly appealing. The concept of bad boys is a popular theme for a reason: women are attracted to it.
Some people think that what all bad boys have going for them is that they are physically attractive, but I don’t think that is the case. Many aren’t conventionally physically attractive, but they will still make all the ladies around them swoon and curl their toes. While most people don’t ever try to nail down what exactly is so appealing about these guys, I’ve given it a shot. Here are the five reasons why good girls like bad boys!
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