Dealing With Mean/Catty Females

For years, women have fought for the right to be treated equally in the workplace. Having made great strides in this arena, many professional women now find that the greatest problem they face in the workplace is not men, but other women. Catty behaviors such as gossiping, backstabbing and sabotaging can turn an otherwise pleasant workplace into a place of misery and petty evils. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to protect yourself and emotionally disengage from the situation.
Dont go there! When these evil ladies are giving you dirty looks, whispering about you to their friends, and being down right awful don’t feed into it. Retract your claws and end the cycle of terrible. If someone is being a jerk towards you they are wanting you to react so why give them what they want? Don’t let the terrorists win!
Kill them with kindness. This is one of my personal favorites. Nothing bothers a mean person more than if you’re nice to them. In my brain, it’s a form of forgiveness but in their mind they have little incentive to continue being an awful person towards you. The catty girl of your nightmares might just move on to her next victim. In her eyes you just turned into Mother Theresa and you are useless to her. 
Call ’em out ! I’m definitely not saying go about being rude and bitchy towards the wrong doer. I am saying there might be times when you can actually talk out the situation. Let the person know how they are making you feel like shit. This is usually a great approach to take if being nice hasn’t worked out in your benefit. Keep down the path of being a positive and brave little toaster and let her know that she is being a total out of control evil being. Let her know that you have feelings and you don’t think the way she is treating you is a proper way to go about things. Be the bigger person if you are being bullied. 
We can stand together and decide now to not prolong catty behavior. We can beat this once and for all by taking the higher road.


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