Mental Detox

Detoxing the mind is true health, true freedom!

In fact, mental toxins can be even more detrimental than physical toxins, as 99% of all disease stems from a mental origin. These mental toxins take many different forms such as anger, hate, jealousy, anxiety, stress, insecurity, judgment, and criticism. These toxins may be on the surface area or stored deep within our mind and various parts of our bodies. Without recognizing, processing and releasing these mental toxins, they continue to be stored away; weakening our mind and body until eventually they create disease.

Although physical detoxification may also be necessary on occasion, we must always remember that the body is only as healthy as the mind. Without mental health, clarity, and awareness, physical health is of little use.

Stop a negative thought right in its tracks, prevent mood swings, and feel more mentally balanced.  When we change our thoughts, we change our energy, and this new, clean energy helps you overcome obstacles and gets you into the flow of a beautiful life.

1. Identify the negative thought. We can’t change what we can’t see. I’m sure you’ve heard of the word “mindfulness.” Well the reason we want to be mindful is so that we can witness when there are toxic thoughts in our mind. They pull down our energy and drain us, cause us fear and worry and block us from creative solutions and joyful experiences. When you are staying more present with your thoughts, don’t judge them, just observe it as a thought that is not happiness, not love, and not aligned with who you really are. It’s just a thought and you don’t have to believe everything you think. Try using an intention, “I’m willing to see this differently.” Expect a subtle shift in your mind and energy when become more conscious.
2. Exercise. Yoga, walking, running — whatever works for you! — will shift your thoughts and energy as well as your body’s hormones and chemicals, boosting your overall happiness and neutralizing the mental chatter that might be blocking you from your happiness in the present moment.
3. Write out all of your fears. I know, this sounds horribly scary. This is exactly what you’ve been trying to ignore and run away from. But when we look at fear straight in the face, it can’t control us anymore and we can take some of our power back by detoxing from some of these stories we’ve been telling ourselves that have been keeping us stuck. Pull out a piece of paper, write out all of your fears and burn it. Now, as you move through your day, you can witness when these bad thoughts come in and do the work to clear them, using the rest of these tools on the list. I am not kidding, this works!
4. MeditateThe guy isn’t calling? Overtaken by a craving? Stressed out about a work project? When we stop, drop and meditate, we can access our peace in the moment regardless of what is happening outside of us. There’s no point in being at the mercy of everyone and everything outside of us — we actually can be in control of how we feel if we just give ourselves the chance to connect with our true source of peace within. When we feel good, that’s when things on the outside begin to fall into place.
5. Forgive yourself. You’re not going to be perfect — you’re a human — you will make mistakes. Your food won’t be perfect, your words won’t be perfect, your hair won’t be perfect. Surrender all of it. Give yourself a break and stop beating up on yourself. Instead begin a daily practice of self-forgiveness when you notice the negative thoughts coming into your mind and analyzing, making you feel not good enough, worrying or tearing you down. Use the mantra, “I forgive and release myself now.”
You hold the power. You are the creator of your own reality and your daily practice slowly builds and grows your internal core strength, the strength that leads you to your best self and happiest life.”


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