Making New Friends As An Adult

When you’re a kid, making new friends is fairly easy. There’s school, sports, and a slew of extracurricular activities where you meet other kids and form relationships. When you’re an adult, however, the process isn’t quite so effortless. Commitments such as work and family limit free time and–unlike during childhood–it can feel awkward to ask
someone, “Do you want to hang out?”

And the older you get, the fewer friends you probably have. While social circles increase through early adulthood, friendship networks peak and start to decrease as you move through your twenties.
Life changes such as moves, career transitions, relationship changes, and different life stages bring a shift in our friendships and frequently leave us drifting apart.
We all want the proverbial friend whose shoulder you can cry on, but that’s an honor that is given with time.When friendships are healthy, they relieve stress, which is extremely beneficial for health. Most people find it hard to create a deep and meaningful friendship in adulthood, but it’s not so hard if you know what to do.
For friendships to form, you need consistency. When we’re kids, this is automatic. You go to school, summer camp and play outside with the other kids in the neighborhood until dinner is ready. As adults, we rarely have that kind of consistency outside of work. joining groups that meet on a regular basis, such as an association, networking groups, book clubs, classes, and workshop. “When you join a group, the consistency is built in; people are already showing up without you having to invite them.
To deepen relationships, you must be willing to be open yourself up.Vulnerability is the key to emotional bonding, without which relationships tend to feel superficial and meaningless. Volunteer or get part-time work at a hospital. Sign up for courses on skiing or salsa dancing. And while you can’t plan for them, sometimes life circumstances lead to friendships: “A single experience–the bonding that took place between two strangers who were near the World Trade Center when it collapsed, for example, can produce a deep friendship that lasts a lifetime. While you’re building friendships it’s important to, work hard to keep the communication upbeat. Be conscious of the value and joy you’re adding to the other person
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