Bad Girl's Charm
A good girl will hold a guy’s hand and tell them that everything is going to be alright even if it was him that screwed up in the first place. But a bad girl will show her man the facts as it is, and help him understand his own mistakes. She doesn’t sugarcoat it.
A bad girl knows the secret behind attraction and seduction, and that looks matter just as much as personality. She doesn’t let herself go. Nor does she feel the need to conform to the rules of society. She’s a misfit of the good kind. She is who she is.
No means no. She puts her foot down and take a stand when she doesn’t want to do something, this trait will also make her be taken more seriously. She’s extremely confident. She’s not cocky, but she’s not the insecure one either. In fact, she’s the kind of girl who’ll scare a guy and make him try harder to impress her.
Traits that guys shouldn't want in their girl
Bad girls are great, but they aren’t all nice and sexy. Here are signs that spell nothing but doom for a guy. So if you want to be a good bad girl, avoid these traits.
Bad girls are usually extremely selfish and don’t care about anyone but themselves. Don’t be that girl.
Uses sex as a weapon. You’re sexy and you know it, but that shouldn’t give you any right to use sex as a weapon by withholding it just to prove a point or get your man to bend over backward for you.
Moody and fragile. As confident as bad girls portray themselves to be, some of them also have a very fragile soft center that could be a sign of bottled emotions and confusions.
Narcissist. A bad girl thinks she’s the best thing to happen to planet earth, and that she’s better than everyone else.
Fickle. The typical bad girl gets excited about everything quickly and loses her interest in other things just as quickly.
As with every kind of girl, a bad girl too has her own good and bad sides to her. As long as you remember to use the good traits and avoid the bad traits, you’d definitely be able to awe and impress the man in your life, for a long time to come.
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