A Must See Video ....Row, row, row your boat meaning

Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream. 
We all remember the classic children’s song above. I believe I first heard it when I was in kindergarten. I remember sitting on the floor with the rest of the kids going over the words again and again. Once we finally had the simple tune down, the teacher divided us into small groups and we sang the song in rounds, one group starting after another finished the first few words of the song. It may have been sung a hundred times but it wasn’t until recently that many of us discovered the deep meaning of this simple, nostalgic tune.
Price Ea, a social media personality known for his inspiring messages, took to Facebook with an explanation for the life-changing meaning behind the song.
He breaks the lyrics of the song down. The ‘boat’ to the tune represents your life. You are the oarsman. You are the one doing the rowing. You aren’t simply rowing once and then letting the ‘stream’ of time drift you downriver… you are constantly ‘rowing’ or trying to be the best that you can be in this life.
If don’t row ‘gently’ it’s too easy to miss the beautiful things along the way because you were focused on getting to the end. You are supposed to go slowly, with the current, while putting in hard work and conscious effort along the way.
Mind. Blown.
Check out his awesome You Tube Video


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